EMT Rescue Backpack with O2 Delivery System

EMT Rescue Backpack with O2 Delivery System

1 3lbs Oxygen set
1 Nasal Canula
6 Airway Kit
1 Adult Silicon Bag Valve Mask
1 CPR Mask
1 Baxtel BP set
1 Digital Thermometer
2 Surgical gloves
1 Penlight
1 Aspirator
1 Alcohol 500ml
1 Hot and Cold Compress
2 Kidney basin
2 Umbilical cord
5 Eye pads
2 Elastic Bandage (4x5)
2 Elastic Bandage (3x5)
2 Gauze Bandage (3x10)
2 Gauze Bandage (4x10)
1 box Medical gloves
1 box Bantam Band Aid
1 Cotton Balls 50's
5 Triangular Bandage
1 Tissue Forceps
1 Napkin
1 Povidone Iodine 120ml
3 Syringe 3cc
3 Syringe 5cc
3 Syringe 10cc
1 Flat Tourniquet
1 Bandage Scissor
5 Sterile Tongue Depressor
1 EMT Shears
2 Thermal Blanket
1 Scalpel
1 Chronic Suture
1 Silk suture
1 plain NSS 1L
1 Aspirator
1 box cotton swab
1 KY Jelly
1 Micropore Tape
1 Micropore Plaster
1 Kelly curve
1 Bandage Scissor
2 Kelly Straight