Foam Trailer(SL-31-3FT) 400 LITER

Foam Trailer(SL-31-3FT) 400 LITER

movable type fire fighting foam equipment, Foam Trailer is used for fire protection of oil storage tank, loading terminals, port areas and similar high risk zones for quick application 
of foam in industrial spill fire. Contains foam eductor, foam tube, foam concentrate tank, monitor and fire hose. 

(400 Litter Foam Trailer)

Trailer Carbon Steel Hose Box , Tool Box, 24" Tire, Stopper, Wooden Block
Foam Tank Stainless Steel 400ℓ (1000 X 1000 X 500 ), Air vent, Level Gauge & Drain Valve
Monitor Bronze Model : SL-27A OR 27B
Ball Valve Cast Iron Model : SL-48MB
Foam Nozzle Aluminium Model : SL-19GM, Pick-up Hose
Fire Hose 65A X 15m (Double Jacket) X 4 Rolls

3060(L) X 1600(W) X 1605(H)
Flow Rate - 500 GPM (0.7Mpa)
Foam Ratio - 3%